
Retail stores battle online shopping by delivering outstanding customer experiences

In Canada, online shopping accounts for one in ten retail purchases. While that number may seem small, it is growing at an annual rate of 20 percent. In order to fight back against the trend toward online purchases, bricks and mortar stores need to deliver outstanding service and create wonderful customer experiences.

A bike shop might take a customer’s measurements to ensure that a new bicycle is the right size. A hardware store can help a homeowner find the perfect paint for the exterior trim. And an artist gallery can show how a work will look in a living room.

But how do you know when you are delivering great service? How do you continuously improve?

That’s where ExperienceStream comes in.

Using one of our custom kiosks or your store’s tablet, clients tap their feedback. You can set the questions – these could cover product selection, service, store cleanliness and the helpfulness of your staff.


Once customers have responded, ExperienceStream’s powerful software generates valuable reports that let you track results, analyze operational problems and engage your team.
A unique feature of ExperienceStream is the ability to add photos of staff working that day so that customers answering the survey can thank them for outstanding service.
Retailers with more than one location can compare store results. This helps leadership to learn why some stores are posting outstanding revenues and customer service ratings while others are underperforming.

Improve experiences

Store managers like to see their positive customer feedback scores grow as they take action to improve customer experiences. ExperienceStream serves as an accountability tool, ensuring that store managers are getting results.

a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s profit by 75%

It costs 6 to 7 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.

Store Manager Maude Rivest-Beaudoin says:

“When I’m not there I can see if employees are still doing a good job.”